An Introduction
Research and Evidence: MITA in Context
Research and Evidence: MITA in Context
What makes a successful Learning Experience?
Enabling Learners to Make Mistakes
Using Stepped Success Criteria (Mini-goals)
Scaffolding Framework and Metacognition
Using the Scaffolding Framework to Support Practice
Assessment for Learning and the Scaffolding Framework
Planning Changes to Practice
Applying the Framework with Complex Needs
Applying the Framework Secondary age example
MITA TA Series Secondary Additional
Transcript Secondary Writing 1
Transcript Secondary Writing 2
TA-Led Interventions - Traps and how to avoid them
TA-Led Interventions Handouts (Notes)
What Parents might want to know
MITA TA Series Parents Session Slides
Overcoming Barriers to Implementation
MITA TA Series Autumn QNA Slides
SEND and Complex Needs
MITA TA Series SEND QNA Slides
Working with Parents/Carers and Families
MITA TA Series Summer 2024 QNA Slides